A portrait of an interior design photographer, she looks into the light in a contrasted space with black background. She has long, red, wavy hair, blue eyes, pale skin, and a turquoise sweater on.

Hey y’all, I’m Kathryn.

A mountain girl with a big laugh and a gentle heart.

I dreamed of being a photographer from a young age, taking photos of buttercups bursting from the spring grass in the backyard. After graduating from Appalachian State University touting a photography degree that was an absolute blast to receive, I’ve spent the last decade running my own business, telling stories of people and places all over the world.

After following an itch to change things up in 2023, I shifted to bring my other love of interior design into my work. Now I am an interior decorator AND interior photographer, working to make the world a better and more beautiful place for all.

Want me to photograph your space?